hey...he stole my metaphor!
for a number of months i have been describing sinners and saints as a centrifugal church (okay, most of the time i mistakenly spoke about it as a centripetal church, since i'm not much of a physicist, but still...), insofar as we are committed to equipping people for ministry, blessing them and sending them out when they leave and continuing to provide some form of accompaniment as they continue to incarnate the Kingdom throughout the world.
i'm not going to lie to you, i thought this metaphor (even when incorrectly communicated) was a clever way of communicating the passion of our church. then i went on steve holt's blog today and found out that fred peatross used my metaphor to describe the missional church in this article. of course, he also explains the concept in a manner that is much more cogent or concise than i could ever muster.
so i'm thinking about sticking his ass with an "improper use of intellectual property" suit. then he'll think twice about effectively appropriating my ideas.
Merhaba dünya!
1 week ago
mr. peatross, if either you or your legal counsel, larry cannon, have any objection to my comments, please know that they were offered in good fun.
if you have any questions or any comments concerning either this post or my conduct in general, you can contact my lawyer.
Keep stiring up that bees nest
Worse! It's also the name of a longstanding youth program.
Forgot the link: http://www.lifeway.com/fuge/youth/
ok, that's it "away with the metaphor." i can handle an association with a next-wave author, but being connected, even in a manner that is more lexical than literal, to a southern baptist youth camp is too much for me. piss off centifigual! your time has come.
oh and thanks for stopping by kyle. we should get together sometime for either a beer or a rolicking conversation about infant baptism (you non-GCTS folks should know that those are the two favorite past-times of seminary students).
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