news from hell
kellie and i are currently relaxing at the home of john and fran board who live just outside of hell, michigan. yesterday we celebrated the fourth with the boards, kellie's sister jennifer (the board's daughter), jen's brother's family and their beautiful kids and more episcopal priests than you can imagine. the conversation was intriguing, the food was remarkable and the beer flowed like wine. while there isn't much love lost between the midwest and I, especially after i received a ticket just outside of cleveland, there is a relaxing rhythm to life out here. i can feel my soul unwinding even as we speak.
since i will have limited internet access and is not paying me to blog this week, you'll be hearing from me far less frequently. consider yourself blessed!
i almost forgot...david lee roth's baton twirling rendition of "jump" last night at pops goes the fourth registered an absolute 10 out of 10 on the bill simmons memorial unintentional comedy scale. brilliant.
Merhaba dünya!
1 week ago