- Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.
- Overriding concern with race.
- Choosing to broadcast the conclusion of a meaningless, domestic N.I.T. game instead of the intriguing first inning of the World Baseball Classic.
an (im)permanent piece of my medium-sized american heart.
i would like to thank dictionary.com for their progressive definition and some unnamed michigan player for finally rescuing me from my own personal purgatory.
thank you monts, for providing me with another reason to hate a subjugated nation. in all seriousness, i could not believe the derrogatory manner in which some of the columnists spoke of cuba. on monday, jason stark intimated that the cuban players were literally playing for their lives. then on tuesday, he said that the cuban manager, "managed like his raft was on fire." i thought the latter comment was really indescent and continue to wonder why our elephant of a nation is so scared of squeaky little cuba.
miah, i know it's free, but i get sick of the glitches. right now, on internet explorer anyway, my side bar starts almost all the way down at the bottom of the page. i know this is another argument for firefox, but still...
what is this World Baseball Classic you speak of? I know the world series, but it is not until October.
What other baseball is there if it does not include Americans in America's Pasttime?
funniest post ever (including comment thread - and deleted funny but offensive comment).
thanks mike! as for the deleted comment, i have no idea what you are talking about: )
let us all rest assured that MLB will go to even greater lengths to rig the tournament in 2010. early reports indicate that the opponents in our pool will include south africa, american samoa, laos and the women's team from the dominican republic.
Good luck & keep writing such awesome content.
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