an overdue update
i'm sorry that i've been so derelicte in regards to this blog. as per usual, i haven't had any lack of opinions to spew, inappropriate thoughts to share or people i would like to piss off, but life has been a bit hectic as of late and i have been operating in full job-preservation mode in regards to the internet.
anyway, i thought you'd like to know that i'm receiving low wages, my office is sixty feet away from office shaking subway tracks, i think i'm going to kill the next mademoiselle who nearly sideswipes me while doing her *&$#%@! hair while navigating traffic and i love my job. i mean, really...i'm love, lovin' it.
on friday afternoon while meeting with one of my work-transition interns i realized that he looks exactly like melvin, the Jewish patriarch who practically ruled the L'arche house of which i was once a member. in that brief moment, my eyes glassed over and i almost lost it. hell, i'm almost loosing it right now as i think about my friendship with melvin, how quickly i once set aside something i loved and how utterly grateful i am to have this opportunity to empower individuals with disabilities.
yesterday i had the opportunity to mutter a monological sermon about 2 corinthians 5 and today i'm being paid to incarnate my commitment to reconciliation and empowering compassion. in the midst all i can do is say soli deo gloria and assure you that not all my edges have come off.
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
5 weeks ago