thank you for calling initech. just a moment
when you dressed up for career day in elementary school or talked to your high school guidance counselor did you have any idea that you would end up in your current job? me neither.
this question arose in my mind after i came back from a (thanks to my prostate far too frequent!) pit stop only to find my co-workers eagerly exhibiting their flexibility. apparently Art is double jointed, Christine, our middle-aged copywriter still has the flexibility of a freshman cheerleader and Dr. James is more pliable than your average yogi (bear).
don't get me wrong...i don't have anything against such exhibitions. i just find the office environment increasingly odd.
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
5 weeks ago
amen to that james. i wouldn't have made it six months at without my trusty sidekicks. of course, they'd like to think that i'm their sidekick, but that obviously isn't the case:)
I once took one of those computer quizzes that are supposed to tell you what your ideal job is and apparently my answers were too varied for it and I had the result of "no result please try again." The things I want to do either don't pay enough or have rotten healthcare. I've forgotten my skills and I'm losing myself a little bit more every day.
Help...I'm drowning.
mmm... ministry...
i can't count the number of times when I thought I'd leave here because it didn't fit my traditional views of ministry, but I can't count how many times I felt blessed because of the people I work with...
evangelical ministry needs to be re-thought from its what-church-people-do-for-the-church form into a much broader what-people-do-for-each-other form... and while product editors and developers might never rationalize their work as ministry, there's a lot of ministering that happens every day here in the cubical jungle...
anonymous friend,
i don't have any advice or solutions. but i can offer this encouragement:
"anyone trying to live a spiritual life will soon realize that the most personal is the most universal, hte most hidden is the most public, and the most solitary is the most communal." ~henri nouwen
your struggle is not your own. it is a struggle we all share. may God give us the grace to persevere together.
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