receiving the sacrament
"Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and the pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace." ~Frederick Buechner
I've read this paragraph innumerable times, hoping that the nutrients within will sink down to the roots of my soul. today, this pregnant phrase, which is one of the most precious clues i have found to the great treasure hunt called life, is suggesting that every experience of life has the potential to become a sacrament.
for this reason, i believe that i can receive kerry's loss as a sacrament that is calling me to both identify my political idolatries as well as my trust in the 'chariots and horses' of the world in order that i can take one more step towards believing in, and living as a generative citizen of, the Kingdom of God. as i receive this sacrament, gracious God, i repent of my allegiance to the city of man and, begging the help of your Spirit, seek to live more fully within the sphere of your sovereign rule.
moreover, i am beginning to realize that the role of internet product editor at is a sacrament as well. by this means of grace you are teaching me the virtue of perseverance, as i deal with the fact that i push buttons for a living, leading me towards a more nuanced understanding of providence, as i struggle to believe that you can work through the life of someone who openly commodifies the gospel in order to preach and live a non-commodified gospel, and the value of solidarity, as i begrudgingly start to identify with my brothers and sisters around the world whose work seems to be devoid of any apparent meaning.
Lord God, thank you for the gift of life. please help me to realize that all moments are key moments and to receive such as a means of grace.
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
5 weeks ago
Amen. - Mike (a fellow web-careered comrade)
your fellowship in this struggle bolsters me as well.
as for buechner, his corpus is evenly divided between fiction and non-fiction works, almost all of which are worth reading.
if you would like to start with his non-fiction, i would recommend the biographical books starting with sacred journey. the next book in the quadricycle now and then is my favorite, but you need to start at the beginning.
if you would like to start with fiction, i would recommend godric. after that, the bebb books should be your highest priority.
cbd is having a warehouse sale next weekend. shoot me your mailing address via email and you might receive buechnerian Christmas present.
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