Sunday, July 20, 2008

an op-ed worth reading

i love living in the boston area. residing in the cultural and educational center of the country and living in a neighborhood full of friends that is a mere five blocks from the ocean is hard to beat.

however, after living here for eight years i am starting to believe that massachusetts is not only first in education, but also first in government corruption. whether it's the beverly softball field that took fifteen months to build, the three quarter mile salem connector road which has been in the building process for years, beverly's irresponsible and manslaughtering police, boston's disabled and coked up firefighters or the 22 billion dollar boondoggle that is the big dig, corruption seems to ooze from every civic orifice.

for that reason, i really appreciated jeff jacoby's current op-ed, entitied are we angry enough to fight back in the boston globe. it's about time somebody started tellin'.

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