rod dreher over at crunchy con recently linked to this piece by amy wellborn dubruiel, a catholic blogger who i don't know but feel like i should.
anyway, in the piece above amy provides a horrifying tour through some of the more egregious expressions of contemporary EEEvangelical* worship and suggests why such expressions lead many christians to long for liturgy and tradition.
as i read her post, i was particularly touched by the great example northeastern christian church in louisville set for my own bretheren and sisteren by foregoing worship on july 1st to host showings of evan almighty. nice.
if you take a few minutes to read the article, let me know what you think.
* in his brief introduction, rod labels these forms as "emergent." since emergent is a generative conversation, not a worship style or a sermon series on sanctified, astroglide-anointed sex, i'm going to have to disagree with rob on that characterization. i hope that people do not start using the label emergent as a tag all of the worthless pop-art, market-driven, mega-church worship styles that most of us in the emergent conversation love to hate. that mis-characterization would be tragic.
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
5 weeks ago
"i hope that people do not start using the label emergent as a tag all of the worthless pop-art, market-driven, mega-church worship styles that most of us in the emergent conversation love to hate. that mis-characterization would be tragic."
uh too late... two words Vintage Faith in santa cruz
Amy Welborn is a goddess in the RC blog world.
Amy had the sense to point out in her original post that "emergent" churches are those *reacting against* much of what she wrote about. It bothered me as well that Rod, who is usually more careful, confused the two, unfortunately. (I left him a comment on the issue, but it doesn't seem to have had any effect.)
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