around ten on a tuesday morning
Lord, i don't want to be here right now. i hate being confined in a cubicle. i hate commodifying the gospel for mass-consumption. i hate the blatant hypocrisy that this job requires.
yet i realize that every task has something to teach and, in my better moments, i am convinced that this task is trying to teach me something about perseverance. and perseverence, unless i am mistaken, is a key to the holy and hidden heart of it all.
so Father, guide me through another never-ending eight-hour day. Jesus, teach me to be your incarnation in this place. Spirit, remind my heart of the mysterious connection between perseverance and salvation.
my heart's desire is to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. even within the confines of this damn cubicle.
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
5 weeks ago
amen and amen...
and let me add...
Lord, help us to remember that your love was always personal and never situational... help us to learn how to love the people around us in the most difficult of situations...
and break this self-centered heart again and again and again...
And Lord, if you can make it so every hour doesn't feel three hours long, and possibly, oh so possibly, let my body be free of its many aches and pains associated with sitting in a cubicle to the point of wanting to scream out loud, I would be very grateful as well. Please and thanks. -krista
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