memorandum from captain random
this weekend we attending the wedding of angela ebersole and joe mcmanus. i have worked beside angela at beverly bootstraps for the past two years and joe was a member of sinners and saints 1.0, so it was one of the few weddings that i was eager to attend (for the record: in order for me to attend a wedding, the couple must meet at least two of the following three standards: (a) the bride and/or groom is a close friend at the time of their wedding (b) the wedding is going to be held in new england (c) there will be an open bar at the reception. if at least two of these standards are not met, best of luck to ya, but i won't be attending). anyway, as expected, the wedding was a delight. the service was personal, the home-cooked reception dinner was savory and the other guests at our table were either close friends or intriguing unknowns (including dr. robert coleman of the master plan of evangelism).
that being said, every wedding has its peculiarities. the most peculiar element of this wedding was the presiding pastor's verbal tic. the pastor is a passionate, charismatic man whose ministry i deeply respect, praise Jesus, who has planted a thriving church in salem, amen. much to everyone's surprise, and to God's glory, his services, which have the look, sound and feel of a pentecostal revival, have really connected with the people of salem, you follow? from the moment he began to speak i was tempted to tally his verbal tics, do you hear me?, but kellie stayed my hand, praise Jesus. don't get me wrong, i am really thankful for this man and the ministry he leads, praise Jesus, but can't help chuckling about and reproducing his tics myself, amen. i hope that he realizes that imitation is the supreme form of flattery, you follow?, and hope that my humor does not offend, amen.
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
5 weeks ago
You forgot one, Jeff...
(d) said wedding must not take place durring baseball playoffs...
that should be one of my standards, but is not, as evidenced in the fact that i've missed playoff games in each of the last two years due to weddings.
nb: this is not a request for more of you sinners to get married during holy month. my standards can, and very well might, change.
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