to go, or not to go. that is the question
last week kevin and amy clark, two of my favorite people, came out to visit. between conversations that fluctuated from the absurd (including their tale of naughty middle schoolers who have been nicknamed "the fondeleros") to the significant (including discussions of how our sociological and ecclesiological place influences our interpretation of the gospel as well as the particular method that my Dr. used to assess the state of my prostate) amy mentioned that she had recently attended her ten year high school reunion. i condescendingly asked her if she was joking and she assured me that she was not. apparently, she even geared up for this shindig by visiting that snotty little republic and sharpening her, already formidable, claws in preparation for engagements with long-time adversaries. i punctuated her story by teasing her about attending such a meaningless affair until kevin rose to her defense. apparently he is going to attend his reunion as well.
in an attempt to both empathize with their decisions and to develop an appropriate response to the reunion invitation that i will undoubtedly receive this spring, i have decided to weigh the pros and cons of attending the ten-year reunion of Bishop Kelley's class of 1995.
first, since i am ever the optimist, i will consider the pros:
1. attending the reunion would provide an opportunity to key the h2s, lexus suvs and bmw3 series that the trust fund babies received from their parents.
2. after locating another marginalized, jaded soul we could play a game of plastic surgery "i spy." i can picture the joy of this competition in my head..."i spy a rhinoplasty." "i spy a britney job." "i spy a bo-tox injection!"
3. the freshman baseball team from 1992 could gather together and tell inappropriate jokes about our pedophilia stained baseball skipper and baptist deacon, coach webber. my first joke, due to unexpected pangs of conscience, has been edited.
4. i could finally discover whether paul finally came all the way out of the closet and wrote the script for "angels in america" under an assumed name.
5. i could drink alcohol with my classmates without receiving an m.i.p. (minor in possession) and smoke within 50 feet of school grounds without being fined $100. however, using the lingering incense in the school chapel to cloak the meeting of the 420 club would probably still be prohibited.
now, and you knew they were coming, the cons:
1. most of my friends in high school weren't in my class. in fact, most of them lived in wouldn't know them.
2. i could avoid conversations about my vocation without being interrupted by comments like "you became a pastor?" "what is it like? some kind of cult?" to which my response would be that (1) God has a sense of humor and (2) the boston church of christ congregation i lead is not a cult. just kidding...God doesn't have a sense of humor.
3. i don't have a pink oxford shirt of pair of navy blue dockers in my wardrobe. furthermore, while i thought cowboy boots with slacks were the "bomb" in 1995, i wouldn't be caught dead "duding up" now.
4. my failure to make the varsity baseball team is up near the top of my list of regrets. i can live without conversations about how i drilled fritz with 3 out of 5 batting practice pitches or about the time i got tossed out of edison field for using one of my favorite words.
5. i cannot endure another night of Bishop Kelley girls killing me softly with the blight on humanity that is known as karaoke. even if alcohol is involved...
at this point, i'm thinking that the cons outweigh the pros. but only time will tell how i will respond to that eagerly awaited invitation.
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
5 weeks ago
To the defense of Kevin and Amy, I also would have attended my 10 year, had I only the cash for a flight to Chicago. Is there anything you fear (legitimately) about attending?
i'm not afraid, simply indifferent. while middle school was hell for me, high school was purgatory. thus, it was a step up. still, it's not somewhere i would want to revisit.
of course, this education analogy is flawed, for if it was extended it would suggest that either lcc or gordon-conwell were, in varying degrees, heaven. while those stops were clearly better than the previous, they sure weren't all gold paved roads and personal mansions.
Are you sure that isn't just a whole list of cons? I have so much to add at this point, that it's almost worth starting my own blog, if for no other reason than to get the whole "to go or not to go to the reunion question" story in and have it stand as a single blog post. Let's just say:
1. 5-year reunions are pointless (I know-I went)
2. the ten year one was the Friday after Thanksgiving and the weather last year was rainy-snowy-raw-cold, and
3. One of my best friend's ten-year one is coming up soon and I'm going to see about crashing the party, in the parking lot, and making the parking lot party a whole lot more fun than the actual one, having been friends with most of his grade rather than my own.
If you decide to attend, keep in mind that you won't be the only one who feels the way you do. Despite the inbound fears, I was glad to have attended mine. In fact, I'm looking for to receiving the invitation to my 20th early next year. - Grandpa Mike
If you decided to go, keep in mind that you won't be the only one who feels the way you do. Despite my inbound fears, I was really glad to have attended mine. In fact, I'm looking forward to the invitation to my 20th early next year. - Grandpa Mike
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