back to school, back to school, to prove to dad that i'm no fool...
kellie and i have finally returned from an eight day midwestern tour. we enjoyed the opportunity to visit those we love (including jennifer, the boards, john and jenny wise, the clarks, the hudspeaths, the alexanders and the xenoids), satiate our ( wanderlust and invest in one another.
in other news, i have been utterly overwhelmed by the recent exploits of the redbirds. as the often redundant tim mccarver and the heir to the kmox throne joe buck noted ad nauseaum on saturday's telecast, no one thought the cardinals would be 7 games up on the cubs going into the all-star break. i confess that i was a doubter...i figured that we would be mired in third place by now. thankfully, due in large part to the play of crafty veterans such as womack, sanders and carpenter, i have been converted. i believe in this team more than any other since '96.
question of the day: which broadcaster is more annoying, tim mccarver or joe morgan?
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
5 weeks ago
I'm gonna go with McCarver. Morgan is mostly clueless the whole time. You know, just sort of sitting there staring at McCarver. But either way, Cards rule.
after a long and grinding internal debate i think i'm going to have to go with morgan. after hearing him describe (3 freaking times!) the way that the bounce of the ball effected womack's play on patterson last night i thought i was going to throw the remote at the t.v.
the man was one of the best second basemen that ever lived, but he is overly redundant, closed to new ideas (i.e., sabermetrics) and he constantly scoffs at the reflections of jon miller, who is a much better broadcaster. as in many cases, i have to agree with bill james on this one when he says:
" are becoming a self-important little prig. grow up you little weenie...jeez, man, get a life. preferably not on television" (pg. 481).
let them lie to themselves. what has worked for 96 years doesn't need to be fixed.
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