in regards to the preacher who pisseth standing up: earlier today a friend forwarded this pic of a warning sign that he encountered in the bathroom of an acquaintance's home in germany. consider this yet another piece of evidence that one of the most ridiculous sermons of all-time was inspired by a real-life experience.
i also discussed the pros and cons of pissing upright with the pixie this morning* and am still convinced that men should never surrender their birthright on account of a little extra cleaning. as for me and my son, we shall pisseth standing up!
*whoa, that sentence could be misconstrued. get your mind out of the gutter!
one more note: those of you who attended lcc/s with jon spencer should know that he has long honored the europeans by choosing to piss like a little b...eautiful girl.
shame, shame on you jon spencer! standeth up like a man lest you burneth in the fieriest pits of hell with the wicked scribes of the NKJV!
I only pee standing up in public restrooms or if I'm in a hurry. Enjoy piss spatter on your...well, everything.
isn't that what those little rugs on the tank, on the seat, and on the floor are for? they are really absorbant.
if men are intended to pee sitting down in Germany, then do Germanic underwear manufacturers omit the convienent front door flap?
also, peeing sitting down is a huge tax on the environment because it wastes paper...if you use a seat cover
Well crap. My 3 year old pees sitting down. But that's because he can't get it over the porcelain.
Anyway, enough of this pee stuff. I came here for microwave babies!
agent b,
i think i pissed outside until i was like 9.
As if anyone needed anymore evidence that this preacher guy is nuts, you can look here and here.
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