while sleeping the mid-morning away i dreamed that i was attending a seminary wherein prospective ministers created sermons that explained the sexual perversity of their senior pastors, every ministerial candidate was required to take a counseling course that focused solely on divorce and the seminarian's children often climbed a plastic tower of babel that towered over spring-loaded lions and lambs and other biblically inspired playground equipment.
that would be one weird seminary, but not without worth.
Grenz Lecture 2025 . Dr Junker
1 week ago
"that would be one weird seminary, but not without worth."
and probably would result in better trained ministers than the current simony-fall-back-for-guys-who-can't-do-anythingelse-to-lazy-to-work-as-a-laborer-ordination-factory
Dude, lay off the spicy foods before bed.
i don't think it's the spicy food that got me. it's the FOOD POISONING i received from a hot dog i at at chicago o'hare.
a word of advice to one and all. when a nice mexican lady offers you an "authentic" chicago dog at o'hare international airport just walk away...lest you have the runs.
the runs are how you know it is authentic mexican
Dog means something else in Mexico Jeff. You need a border primer.
Never take food from strangers. Especially at an airport, because then when the ticket agent asks you if you are holding someone else's stuff, you have to say yes.
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