yesterday i waited many a long minute to hear npr's on the media discuss the james frey situation. the report was, by and large, a boring recapitulation of an overdone story. however, one of the media gurus they talked with made an interesting point. he noted that over the past several years, especially since the success of girl interrupted, memoirs have become a popular form for young writers who are trying to leave a mark and, in many cases (including frey's), cannot find anyone who will publish their novels. he mentioned that these memoirs often focus on the writer's neuroses and, more often than occasionally, include details which have been questioned by numerable sources. especially notable in the latter case is burrough's running with scissors, which has had its veracity questioned by a number of independent sources.
okay, that's a long introduction to a simple thought. the fact that writers are obsessed with chronicling their neuroses and, as readers, we are incessantly intrigued with such stories, may not bode well for our culture. it seems to me that by constantly musing and reflecting upon the self and its vices in the most minute detail we just might lose sight of the deeper virtues such as justice, mercy, friendship, family, love and sacrifice that make life worth living. vice, as one of my S.H.I.T. professors used to say, is always easier to chronicle and more exciting to read about than virtue. yet, it is thinking deeply about and seeking to incarnate the latter that will lead us to become whole and healthy human beings and communities.
you might think i am a hard-arse for thinking this and, alas, such thoughts will probably never secure me a seat on oprah's couch. but before you write me off completely, quickly turn these questions over in your mind:
what if martin luther king, a man who we rightly honor today, had written obsessively about his lust instead of his longing for justice?
for that matter, what if martin luther had written volumes about his struggles with depression instead of his 95 thesis or his epochal commentary on romans?
regardless of our religious preference, can't we agree that civilization would have suffered if moses had chosen to write about his insecurities rather than providing much of the source material for the pentateuch?
please note, that these thoughts are offered humbly and without an accusatory heart. i am well aware of my own hypocrisy, insofar as i tend to offer more self-effacing humor and neurotic musings in this space than i do anything of real value.
may the peace of christ be with you today as we celebrate the life and legacy of one of God's greatest voices.
Dwight’s Top Ten Books of 2024
2 weeks ago
Thanks for your words here. I've been mulling over much the same lately, but haven't been able to put words to my thoughts as you have here. Bless you.
it is interesting that these young authors navel gaze and sell that as a book, when in the past the great authors wrote great books and left the ananlysis to the critics and historians
fletch - concerning the navel gazing, i sometimes fear that blogs are encouraging me to do the same thing.
landis - thanks for your kind words.
thanks for your comment james. i agree that there are times to let the light shine through our cracks, identify old enemies and recount the process of overcoming. in fact, several of these stories, especially those by thomas merton and frederick buechner, have been essential to my personal growth and development.
however, i do worry about a culture that is more adept at describing personal neuroses and more inclined to tell stories of the epic self than it is to talk about the virtues and values that bind us together as communities.
in the end, i fear that constantly obsessing about and reconstructing the self will hinder us from seeing ourselves as part of and playing our part in the larger whole.
i'm sure that's as clear as mud. much love to you, kid.
Interesting post and comments. If I may...
Gentry wrote: "deeper virtues such as justice, mercy, friendship, family, love and sacrifice that make life worth living."
I think those things can be found in "navel gazing." Memoirs involve interacting with other people of like or unlike mind, and those deeper virtues can often be seen in this interaction.
Gentry als wrote:"what if martin luther had written volumes about his struggles with depression?"
I probably would have read more of Dr. King at that point, then.
Fletch: "it is interesting that these young authors navel gaze and sell that as a book, when in the past the great authors wrote great books and left the ananlysis to the critics and historians"
True, but critics and historians are, at best, making educated guesses based on the resources they have at the time, whether that be the surrounding culture, situation, maybe even know the author themselves. But they aren't in the author's heads, or in their particular mindset when something was written.
Jeff wrote: "however, i do worry about a culture that is more adept at describing personal neuroses and more inclined to tell stories of the epic self than it is to talk about the virtues and values that bind us together as communities."
I think that in doing so, authors of the memoir end up telling about the virtues and values that bind us together as communities. My proof of this lies in the fact that we have all read books that have characters (either real or imagined) that we say, "Hey, I identify with that guy/girl. I have thought that. I have done that. I know why s/he made the choices that were made."
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