Friday, April 22, 2005

brushback pitches

pedro is going to win 22 games this year. and it isn't going to mean a damn thing.

his last start aside, i am starting to question the wisdom of the mulder trade. i am slowly realizing that we traded a young tim hudson, and perhaps a neo-natal mike piazza, for an aging mulder. please forgive me, and my close friend walt jocketty, for being wrong on this one.

teams i would least like to face in the playoffs. if i'm the cardinals (and I am): florida, atlanta and houston. we haven't seen pitching staffs of this quality and depth since the bravos of the early 90s. if i'm the red sox: minnesota, oakland and new york. the first two because of pitching, the third because of godzirra and his massive attack.

it appears that paul depodesta knows what he's doin'. it's time for the national media to cut him some frickin' slack!

carlos zambrano is andujar reincarnate, wood doesn't have a high enough iq to be an ace and prior is about as durable as nancy drew. even before nomah's injury i knew that the cubs were in trouble.

terry francona's a horrible tactician...but at least he's one helluva nice guy! ortiz will finally win the MVP this season. could the curse of the bambino be replaced with the plague of the fever pitch? enough about the red sox.

in case you're wondering, i'm still pissed that they named them the nationals.

feel free to add your thoughts.


leanne said...

While I'm certainly not going to be joyful of someone else's suffering, I can't help but feel relieved that superstar Nomar belongs to Chicago and not Boston after seeing the footage of his latest injury.

g13 said...

since i am a cardinals fan, i love to see the cubbies declawed. in any way possible.

as far as i'm concerned, when it comes to one's baseball rivals, Jesus' teachings are reversed. so in this instance i feel free to:

"mock those who mourn and revile those who rejoice."

joolz said...

I'm pretty pissed about the nationals too.

p.s. you linked me! i'm gleeful and touched. thank you.

ahbahsean said...

Joolz, did you see you're higher than me... i'm not saying i'm jealous or nothing, but if we lived in the same city there'd be a rumble. :)

g13 said...

now, now girls. i'd say that there's no reason to fight over me, but the three of us know that's simply not true.

g13 said...

and you're more than welcome joolz!

you're unique and dysfunctional...just like the rest of us:)

joolz said...

Sweet, complimentary words, gentry. I'll take 'em.

Becky, you better hope I don't show up for a bathroom break in St. Louis next week. I'm not quite as scrappy as Leanne, but I sure do try.

ahbahsean said...

Let's just form a survivor-like alliance and boot Leanne's name down a few notches. (but don't tell her our plan)...

g13 said...

sorry ladies, massholes don't stab each other in the back. run one another over maybe...but stab in the back...never.

leanne said...


You're a good man, Mr. Gentry.

And girls? IN YO FACE.