Friday, October 29, 2004

failed reality show pilots

on the border: cameras record the pitfalls and pratfalls of mexican immigrants as they struggle to make it to america. the show's host is chuck norris, fresh from walker, texas ranger and the tagline is "america the beautiful! are you in or are you out?"

the emergent makeover: viewers watch as graduates from evangelical seminaries try to establish emergent ministries in traditional churches. segments include:

  • fashion: contestants decide what color to dye their hair, struggle to grow goatees and agonize over which body part to pierce

  • theology: contestants try to find the one t.v. show, movie or music artist that will serve as a perfect illustration of the gospel. by the end of the show each contestant must publish a relevant book that is entitled: the gospel according to _______. as viewers quickly realize, filling in the blank is more difficult than it looks.

  • liturgy: contestants struggle to develop the most creative worship experience. will they rent laser tag equipment and turn the gymnasium of generic community church into an arena for a lesson on spiritual warfare? will a skydiving adventure take 'trust falls' to an entirely new level? in order to teach compassion will the members of the community live on the front lawn of generic community church for a whole week with nothing but refrigerator boxes to call home?

have you heard of any intriguing, reality show pilots that didn't make the cut? if so, feel free to share.


Lucas said...

The Barbara Streisand show:
This Anna Nicole type of reality TV show was hoping to be a daytime hit with house wives and gay men. Its alittle bit diva, a little bit American Idol, and a hole lot of bitching. It never made it however because frankly everyone would rather watcha crack head try to eat her breakfast than to see Barbara.... well.... do anything.

cade said...

i heard of one called "boardroom blitzkreig." it basically consisted of network executives locked in a boardroom. they had to argue over ideas for reality programming. one would pitch something, then another would pitch an identical idea with a different name. then they would argue more until they came up with the perfect idea to degrade and insult the rest of humanity.

the twist supposedly came about when average joes off the street were allowed to enter the boardroom and throw heavy things at all of the execs. i guess it only filmed one episode. that's too bad, cause i think it could have worked.