Monday, September 20, 2004

monday morning musing

i awoke this morning to evidence of a weekend well spent. the body of evidence included:

  • 1 completed novel

  • 2 torn ticket stubs for the door in the floor

  • a half painted study

  • a half primed bookcase

  • 4 x-box controllers strewn across the living room floor

  • 1 partially read, but wholly dismembered sunday edition of the globe

  • 1 reconciled relationship

  • 2 empty bottles of wine

  • 2 empty boxes of prinzi's pizza

  • 10 empty bottles of sam adams' octoberfest

  • 5 empty bottles of harp

  • 3 empty bottles of mike's hard limeade

as i spent the morning hours carefully cataloging, and then dispatching of , the evidence, i realized how each piece points to the presence of our community. due to this realization, the act of collection became not merely a task, but an embodied prayer of thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

As long as you didn't find anyone passed out in the tub, I think you're good to go. You should keep a running list of ephemera you find-for a month or even a year. -krista

james said...

A very grateful member I am.

AlexPope said...

That's crazy man, I came home and found the exact same list of things! Weird...

Arthur said...

So that's where I left that reconciled relationship... I'll drop by sometime this week and pick it up with Cade's X-Box... after a few rounds of Halo that is!

cade said...


i'm glad to know that even in my stuff is being utilized. frag away, brave marines. frag away.

g13 said...

oh yes,

we're kicking ass and thankin' cade.

hurry back.