Friday, March 04, 2005

Description of the Day: Beanie Baby Stories for the Heart Edited by Susan Osborn and Sandra Jensen

We endured the never-ending drive through lanes at McDonald's, staged pre-emptive strikes on our neighborhood Hallmark stores and scrounged all over the internet in order to complete our collections. Now, in Beanie Baby Stories for the Heart you will hear dozens of stories of how these adorable little toys were ambassadors of hope and love to millions of Americans. If you, or someone you love, is a certifiable "beaniac," this is one bargain you can't pass up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked with a guy who was big into the Beanie Babies (what can I say-he worked at the Franklin Mint, so you know what kind of insanity we are dealing with). He would go to all the McDonald's between Burlington MA, and Providence Rhode Island and would buy Happy Meals to get the toys (that was the only way at one point-you could not buy the toy without food) and then would go to homeless shelters in Boston and Rhode Island, handing out the food. -krista