Tuesday, August 10, 2004


a new day has come. i am no longer using this stage as my self-styled confessional wherein i, high-ball in hand, croon "young men they do get wooly." fortunately, i have been shaken out of my self-pity by a couple of doses of levity.

the first dose was administered last night, when alex finally moved in. although i'm usually an early to bed, early to rise type, i sacrificed sleep in order to stay up until his shift was over so that we could celebrate his move over a couple of beers. the sacrifice was well-worth it. alex is an upbeat, never met a stranger kind of character. his sense of humor, newfound but quickly developing commitment to Christ and love for the other is truly refreshing. i am grateful that God has enabled us to live this story together.

the second dose was administered this morning, as i checked in new titles to our database. although christianbook.com carries a lot of quality titles, we also carry some of the most ridiculous shit you could ever imagine. for your benefit, dear reader, i have listed a few of these titles below.

i hope that your day is lightened by a bit of levity as well. bonus points will be awarded for those who can identify the strange allusion that is embedded in the first sentence.


Tyler said...

I am not sure I understand any part of your first paragraph. It makes my brain hurt.

g13 said...

i apologize for the lack of clarity. it was meant as a bit of self-parody and a bit of an allusion to a line in a favorite movie.

kidpositive said...

You're so deep, Jeff, I can barely understand you. But at least MY cat knows how to pray for whackos like you!